Trim Leading Zeros of Numbers in a String with PHP

In PHP, you can use the ltrim() function to trim leading zeros from a string containing numbers. Here’s an example:

// Sample string containing numbers with leading zeros
$numberString = "00123";

// Trim leading zeros
$trimmedString = ltrim($numberString, '0');

// Display the result
echo "Original String: $numberString\n";
echo "Trimmed String: $trimmedString\n";

In this example, ltrim($numberString, '0') is used to trim leading zeros from the $numberString. The second argument of ltrim() specifies the characters to be trimmed, in this case, the leading zeros ‘0’.


Original String: 00123
Trimmed String: 123

Now, $trimmedString contains the original number string with leading zeros removed.

Now consider the case that the number is embedded in a string of words, and you want to trim the leading zeros from that specific number, you can use a combination of string manipulation functions. Here’s an example:

// Sample sentence containing a number with leading zeros
$sentence = "This is an example with the number 00123 embedded.";

// Extract the number from the sentence
preg_match('/\b(0*\d+)\b/', $sentence, $matches);
$originalNumber = $matches[1];

// Trim leading zeros
$trimmedNumber = ltrim($originalNumber, '0');

// Replace the original number with the trimmed number in the sentence
$updatedSentence = str_replace($originalNumber, $trimmedNumber, $sentence);

// Display the results
echo "Original Sentence: $sentence\n";
echo "Updated Sentence: $updatedSentence\n";

In this example, preg_match is used to extract the number from the sentence, and then ltrim is used to trim leading zeros from the extracted number. Finally, str_replace is used to replace the original number with the trimmed number in the sentence.


Original Sentence: This is an example with the number 00123 embedded.
Updated Sentence: This is an example with the number 123 embedded.

Now, $updatedSentence contains the original sentence with the leading zeros trimmed from the embedded number.

