Load Apache Access Logs into MySQL

Loading Apache access logs into a MySQL database involves several steps, including setting up the database schema, parsing the log file format, and importing the data. Below is a basic guide on how to accomplish this task. This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of MySQL and access to a server where you can execute commands.

Step 1: Install and Set Up MySQL

Ensure MySQL is installed on your server. If not, install it using your operating system’s package manager. Once installed, start the MySQL server and log in to the MySQL console as the root user or another user with database creation privileges.

Step 2: Create Database and Table

First, create a database for your logs. Then, define a table schema that matches the Apache access log format. Apache logs can vary depending on the log configuration, but a basic log includes fields like IP address, datetime, request method, URI, HTTP status code, and bytes sent.

CREATE DATABASE apache_logs;
USE apache_logs;

CREATE TABLE access_log (
    client_ip VARCHAR(15),
    access_time DATETIME,
    request_method VARCHAR(10),
    request_uri VARCHAR(255),
    status_code INT,
    bytes_sent INT,
    referrer VARCHAR(255),
    user_agent VARCHAR(255)

Adjust the table structure based on your specific log format and requirements.

Step 3: Parse Apache Log File

Before importing the data, you need to parse the Apache access log file to match your database schema. This can be done using a script in languages like Python, Perl, or even a shell script. The script will read each line from the log file, extract the necessary fields, and format the data for insertion into the MySQL database.

Example Python Script for Parsing and Loading

Here’s a simple Python script example that reads an Apache log file, parses its lines, and inserts the data into the MySQL database created above. This script uses the pymysql library for MySQL operations, so ensure it’s installed (pip install pymysql).

import pymysql
import re

# Database connection parameters
db_params = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'user': 'your_username',
    'password': 'your_password',
    'database': 'apache_logs'

# Regular expression to parse Apache log line
log_line_re = re.compile(r'(?P<ip>\S+) \S+ \S+ \[.*\] "(?P<method>\S+) (?P<uri>\S+) \S+" (?P<status>\d+) (?P<bytes>\d+)')

# Connect to the database
conn = pymysql.connect(**db_params)
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Open the Apache log file
with open('path_to_your_access_log', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        match = log_line_re.match(line)
        if match:
            data = match.groupdict()
                "INSERT INTO access_log (client_ip, access_time, request_method, request_uri, status_code, bytes_sent) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                (data['ip'], data['method'], data['uri'], data['status'], data['bytes'])

# Commit and close

This script is a basic example and might need to be adjusted based on your actual log format and database schema.

Step 4: Execute the Script

Run the script to parse your Apache log file and insert the data into the MySQL database. Ensure the path to your log file is correctly specified in the script.

Step 5: Query Your Data

After loading the data into the database, you can query it using SQL to perform analysis, generate reports, or integrate with applications.


  • Ensure the log format in the script matches your Apache configuration.
  • Consider performance and security implications, especially if dealing with large log files or sensitive information.
  • Regularly monitor the size of your database to manage storage.

This guide provides a basic approach to importing Apache access logs into MySQL. Depending on your needs, you might want to customize the database schema, parsing logic, or add additional functionality like error handling or incremental updates.

Using PHP to load Apache access logs into a MySQL database involves reading the log file, parsing each line according to the log format, and inserting the data into the database. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this. This guide assumes you have a MySQL database and table ready for the log data, similar to the setup described in the previous answer.

Using PHP

Step 1: Database Table

Ensure you have a MySQL table ready to store your Apache log data. Refer to the table structure provided in the previous answer or adjust it based on your log format and requirements.

Step 2: PHP Script to Parse and Insert Log Data

Create a PHP script to read the Apache access log, parse each line, and insert the data into your database. The PHP script will use PDO (PHP Data Objects) for database operations, offering a secure and efficient way to interact with your MySQL database.

Here’s an example PHP script:

// Database connection parameters
$host = 'localhost';
$db   = 'apache_logs';
$user = 'your_username';
$pass = 'your_password';
$charset = 'utf8mb4';

// Set up DSN (Data Source Name)
$dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db;charset=$charset";
$options = [

try {
    // Create a PDO instance (connect to the database)
    $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $options);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    throw new \PDOException($e->getMessage(), (int)$e->getCode());

// Path to your Apache access log file
$logFile = '/path/to/your/access.log';

// Open the log file
$handle = fopen($logFile, 'r');
if ($handle) {
    while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
        // Parse the log line
        // This regex will need to be adjusted based on your log format
        if (preg_match('/(\S+) \S+ \S+ \[.*\] "(\S+) (\S+) \S+" (\d+) (\d+)/', $line, $matches)) {
            $ip = $matches[1];
            $method = $matches[2];
            $uri = $matches[3];
            $status = $matches[4];
            $bytes = $matches[5];

            // Prepare SQL and bind parameters
            $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO access_log (client_ip, request_method, request_uri, status_code, bytes_sent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
            $stmt->execute([$ip, $method, $uri, $status, $bytes]);

} else {
    // Error opening the file
    echo "Error opening the access log file.";

Step 3: Run the Script

  • Place the script on your server where PHP is installed and configured to run.
  • Adjust the $logFile variable to point to the location of your Apache access log.
  • Ensure the database connection parameters ($host, $db, $user, $pass) are correctly set.
  • Execute the script from the command line or by accessing it through a web browser, depending on your setup.


  • The regex used in preg_match() is very basic and designed to match a specific log format. You will likely need to adjust it to match the format of your Apache access logs.
  • Ensure your PHP environment has the necessary permissions to read the Apache log file and to connect to your MySQL database.
  • Consider implementing additional error handling and security measures, especially if dealing with sensitive data or large log files.
  • Regularly monitor the database size to manage storage effectively, especially if you’re importing large log files or logging data over long periods.

This script provides a foundational approach to loading Apache access logs into a MySQL database using PHP, which can be customized and expanded based on specific requirements and log formats.

